I would that I could trust myself, I would that I could know
That if I said I’d do it, then it would sure be so
And years ago, in solemn tone, I bid my Maker vow
“Bind my will to good till death, let nought we disallow”.
But countless seeds and sorry yields have borne a runoff thought
A sturdy truth from failed shoots accounts for efforts fraught
With heels dug in and sweated brow protested I the find
But seasons passed and soon enough it stuck within the mind
I spoke at last,
“There is no time in which you have the power
To rule over the future or decree beyond the hour
Our moral throne, a kingdom rules, a kingdom real and vast
But all of it exists inside, the moment as it passed.
We cannot reach into before, like time-enchanted elves
We cannot clasp a hand upon the mouths of future selves
Our reign is stuck among the now, however real it is
My will shall never conquer what is not yet to exist.”